P. del Rosario St., Cebu City, 6000, Philippines
Email: info@usc.edu.ph
Email: registrar@usc.edu.ph

Trunkline connecting all departments
+63-32-230-0100 (Talamban Campus)
+63-32-401-2300 (Downtown Campus)

North Campus
+63-32-233-3145 or +63-32-231-4012

South Campus trunkline connecting all departments

Montessori Academy

Campus Phone Information

University of San Carlos Telephone Directory

Main Campus
Connecting All Depts.253-1000
Information 212
Fax 220
Operator0, 100
Academic Affairs-Vice President251
  Conference Room219
Accountancy, Chair210
  Accounting Office
  Accounts Payable/Mailing314
  Chief Accountant315
  Payroll/ Fixed Assets146
  SSS,BIR, Gen. Acctg.136
Administration-Vice President257
  Conference Room153
Admissions Office 209
Academic Extension & Industry Linkages 176
Alumni and External Affairs217
Archives 211
ARIS 295
Arts & Sciences, Dean 132
Athletics Office 174
Audit (Internal) 124,186
BA, Chair 311
BA, Graduate Programs 284
Band/choristers 321
Bindery 169
Campus Ministry 194
Canteen,Steyler 216
Carolinians Inc. 217
Catholic Trade Cebu, Inc. 289
Cebuano Studies Center 183
Chaplain's Office 307
CICT Laboratory Rooms 308/306 308
CICT Laboratory Rooms 318/316 309
Clinic 204
Clinical Legal Education Program 317
Commerce, Dean 160
CPA Review Center 206
DYRF radio Station 188
Economics, Chair 156
Faculty Lounge (2nd Floor) 208
Finance-Vice President 255
  Budget 203, 258
  Financila Analyst 286
  Purchasing 290, 293
  Secretary 254
Geographic Information Center 312
Guidance Center 195
History, Chair 161
Hosptality Management, Chair 151
Human Resource Mngt. Office 173, 305, 297
Information Resource Management
  Administrative Computing Services 171
  Help Desk Services 260, 296
  Technical & Networking Services 260
    Campus Internet (C-NET) 316
Instructional Media Center (IMC) 167
International Linkages Office 150
Language & Literature, Chair 166
Law, Dean 170
Legal Office 225
Library Science, Chair 193
Library System, Director 133
  Grad/Undergrad/Cataloging 202
  Information Desk126
Mailing Section 314
Mathematics & Comp. Science, Chair 155
Mimeographing Section 180
Museum 191
Museum-Kabilin 313
Philosophy, Chair 177
Physical Education, Chair 184
Planning & Development Office 162
Political Science, Chair 158
Power House 187
President''s Office 253
  Conference Room141
Property Custodian 191
Psychology, Chair 152
Publications Office 165,175
Rank & Tenure Office 223
Registrar's Office 164
Record Section/Evaluation 197
Religious Education, Chair 130
Research Office 154
Scholarships Office 129
Security Office 168
Siimulation Room 418 310
SoARGroup 312
Sociology-Anthropology, Chair 196
Speech Laboratory 179
Stockroom 190
Student Affairs Services 178
Supreme Student Council Office 192
Testing Center 181
Treasury/Cash/Bursar 285
Taday's Carolinian 283
Website Office 280

Direct Lines (Main Campus)
Connecting All Depts.253-1000
Academic Affairs-Vice President 254-6694
Fax 253-7989
Administration-Vice President (Telefax) 253-8895
Admissions Office 255-8392
ALF Verbum Design 255-8154
Arts & Sciences, Dean (Telefax) 253-7193
Canteen,Steyler 256-2824
Carolinians Inc. (Telefax) 253-7507
Catholic Trade Cebu, Inc. 254-2884
Center for Religious Education (CREED) 253-9832
Commerce, Dean (Telefax) 253-3166
Credit Union (Telefax) 255-4208
DYDW Radio Station-FM 253-8183
DYRF radio Station-AM 253-8846
Finance-Vice President 253-1012
  Purchasing (Telefax) 253-7699
Information Resource Management  
  IRM-ACS (Telefax) 254-6025
  IRM-TNS & HDS 254-6644
Telefax 254-7268
International Linkages Office (Telefax) 253-7183
JPIC/IDC 254-7459
  Telefax 256-3463
Library System, Director (Telefax) 254-0432
President 254-1006
  Fax 255-4341
Registrar (Telefax) 256-3305
Research Office (Telefax) 254-7742
Scholarships Office (Telefax) 253-5495
Testing Center (Telefax) 255-2433

North Campus
Connecting All Depts. (Telefax)233-3145
Elementary PTA231-0273
Steyler Inc.-Accounting231-1013
Steyler Inc.-manager (Telefax)231-8723

South Campus
Connecting All Depts.254-0117
IRM-TNS & HDS255-1284
Student Affairs Services-SGS235-0760

Talamban Campus
Connecting All Depts.230-0100
Admin TC, Telefax346-0351
Arts & Sciences (CAS)419-3004
Chemical Eng'g., Chair (Telefax)344-6783
Chemistry, Chair (Telefax)344-6715
Civil Engineering, Chair (Telefax)346-4615
EE/ECE, Chair (Telefax)346-1099
IRM-TNS & HDS346-7930
Maintenance & Calibration (Fax)346-7920
Office of the Population Studies (OPS)346-0102
Physics, Chair (Telefax)346-4614
Retreat House419-7520
SMED (Telefax)344-3512
Water Laboratory345-3811
Water Resource Center346-7941
  Fax 346-0583

Site Administration
Email: cebuusc@gmail.com

University of San Carlos

Renowned for its commitment to excellence, the University of San Carlos develops its students’ professional competence, character, and social transformation. Since its founding, USC offers its learners varied academic environments that foster academic excellence and lifelong learning, developing future professionals who will leave their marks as leaders in their respective fields. Read more..


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